Ronny’s Story

“I can walk up the stairs, and I’m not out of breath so frequently. I had a major improvement on my life.”
— Ronny, Spiration® Valve Patient

Ronny recounts the terrifying experience he had on the way home from a family event where he was struggling to catch his breath and begged “Pull over! I can’t breathe!”. His brother brought him to the hospital, and he received his COPD diagnosis that exact day. He felt anxious and concerned to hear that there is no cure for this disease. He was prescribed inhalers and medications meant to provide some relief to his symptoms. As his symptoms progressed, he no longer felt the relief he needed to complete daily activities. Ronny sought out to find new treatment options until he finally found out about the Spiration Valve procedure.

Ronny was evaluated by his pulmonologist and, through a series of non-invasive tests, was determined to be a candidate for Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction with the Spiration Valve. He heard about other patient’s positive results and looking forward to his personal results. A few days after his procedure, Ronny started to experience improvements in his quality of life. He describes having the Spiration Valve System procedure as “one of the best decision’s of his life”. He can walk further without getting out of breath as easily and says he has had “a huge improvement on his life”. 

There were times that he walked to his corner store and had to stop multiple times. Now, that is no longer an issue. Since Ronny has had his procedure, if he wants to do something, he does it without a second thought.

He travels, exercises, sees his relatives and has his confidence back to go out and live his life again without hesitation or fear. #BEYOUAGAIN

Visit the Glossary of Terms for a definition of these clinical terms.

Potential complications which may be associated with bronchoscopy and/or the Spiration Valve System may include, but are not limited to, pneumothorax, worsening of COPD symptoms, pneumonia, dyspnea and in rare cases, death. Prior to using the Spiration Valve System, please review the full list of prescriptive information at for additional information on indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential complications.

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