Marion's Story

“A few days afterwards, I started feeling normal again, like a mother, a grandmother, and just getting back to doing things that I love to do.”
— Marion, Spiration® Valve Patient

Marion was diagnosed with severe emphysema, a progressively debilitating disease. Once Marion received her diagnosis, she was devastated. It was very difficult for her to walk out into the yard or up and down the stairs and it extremely affected her ability to babysit her grandchildren which she says, “hurt more than anything”. She felt distraught and hurt that this disease was holding her back so much, describing it as “devastating”.

Marion was heavily involved in her church with playing the bells and preparing for charity events; these are just two activities that she loved but was no longer able to do once her symptoms progressed. Even going to the grocery was a chore.

Marion’s diagnosis and symptoms led to a search for treatment options to improve her quality of life. She was given three options: lung transplant, lung volume reduction surgery or the Spiration Valve System procedure. After deciding to go through with the Spiration Valve procedure, Marion was evaluated by her pulmonologist and, through a series of non-invasive tests, was determined to be a candidate for the procedure.

A few days after the procedure, Marion says that she started to “feel normal again like a mother, a grandmother, and just getting back to doing things that I love to do.” This new, ground-breaking treatment changed her life. If she didn’t get the valve procedure, there may have been things that she would have missed including her daughter’s wedding, the birth of her new grandson, traditions throughout the holiday and activities within her Church.

Now, Marion is back enjoying her flowers, supporting her grandchildren, baking, playing the bells at Church, volunteering, and taking care of her family without hesitation.

She feels blessed and thankful that this procedure reignited her passion for life and ultimately, Marion could be herself again. #BEYOUAGAIN

Visit the Glossary of Terms for a definition of these clinical terms.

Potential complications which may be associated with bronchoscopy and/or the Spiration Valve System may include, but are not limited to, pneumothorax, worsening of COPD symptoms, pneumonia, dyspnea and in rare cases, death. Prior to using the Spiration Valve System, please review the full list of prescriptive information at for additional information on indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential complications.

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